It has been a real tough week. Tax season, if that explains it. Well, I will trust in God that everything will work out. After sulking for a few days I decided I better get drawing again.
Here is the first rough sketch of my newest portrait. This will be for my Mom. Love ya mom. She is awesome! Her and my Dad moved to Kansas and bought a farm and are truly living their dream. Cows, chickens, goats, hay, and a garden. They even have a country store that locals can come and get some fresh products on an honor system. Mom makes and sells cheese, milk, butter, and her fabulous all natural soap. She is also in the process of putting together her facial cream, toner, and body lotion to go with her moisturizing facial soap. I can’t wait. You can visit http://www.carolynsnaturalsoap.com to see more.
Enough of my parents and their farm. My mom is in the middle. Can you guess where I am? …………….Give up…………I’m the brunette. The oldest of 4. Two brothers and a beautiful sister. She’s the one with the blondness.
Mom, I hope you love your portrait. After I am done with this one I plan on drawing one of Dad and my brothers. I know just where you can hang them. LOL
It may be just an outline, but I can already tell it's going to be good. I am in total awe of your mother. Wow! It sounds like fun, but also like a lot of work. Good for her!