Well, I jumping in! (thank you Jennifer :) ) I have been drawing forever. My talent has not always been this good, but I am an avid researcher and love to learn. I am self taught and am learning new tricks of the trade all the time. I have learned how to use graphite and charcoal pencils to add depth to a portrait. Graphite reflex light, while charcoal absorbs light.
Today is laundry day, but I am going to squeeze in the time to start drawing a famous baseball player "Buck O'Neil". He recently passed away in his 90's and was a favorite here in the Kansas City area. My husband Gregg is wanting me to draw him for his movie room, AKA "Man Cave" All men need a cave.
My art room, and old desk near my son's room, is a mess. This will need to be organized for future drawings. If I have the time, I will get it done today.
"Carolyn's Natural Soap"
If you are interested in my portraits email me and I will send you information.
If you are interested in "Carolyn's Natural Soap" or her farm life just view my follower "Reid Ranch Blog" or visit http://www.carolynsnaturalsoap.com/
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